Sunday, July 25, 2010

Planning Perspective

The time is always right to do what is right.- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

You have to know why you are doing something to know if the something that you are doing is the right thing. Are you taking the right actions?

Planning must be both prayerful and purposeful.

  • Prayerful: Your planning must be prayerful because you need guidance. Human understanding alone will only help you as you face human issues. The Bible says we don't wage war on a human level. The war is waged on a spiritual level. Prayer is tapping into God's spiritual power among other things. Planning needs to be a spiritual venture on the part of the believer. For those who do not believe, I hope you at least enlist some intercessors in your planning.

  • Purposeful: Your planning must be purposeful so that you can reach your goals and objectives. Identified targets are ones that you can take aim at and hit. You need to be sure to keep your purpose in mind as you plan. Tangents are equivalent to those rabbit trails that lead you off from the main path. You can't get to where you need to go when you are willy-nilly, going in all kinds of directions.

Approach planning from the perspective of being prayerful and purposeful. Stay in prayer. Keep your purpose in mind. Plan accordingly.

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