Thursday, January 18, 2018

Prayer Pointers for All

"God answers the mess of life with with one word: grace." - Max Lucado

God has answers.

God grants us access.

God gives us answers.

We just have to accept God's answer.

Prayer is more than just telling God what you want.  Prayer allows us to also hear from God.  It is more than what we take to God.  It also involves what we take in from God.

"Prayer is humbling work." - E.M. Bounds

Prayer is about Access

God grants us access to His throne of grace.  Max Lucado said that God's answer to all of our mess with grace.  With access to God, we have the Almighty attentive to our supplications and petitions.  Let us go to God with our cares and concerns, releasing them to Him and His will as we lay them at His feet and under His authority.

Prayer is about Answers

David's agonizing pleas in Psalm 13 appear to be scribed in the midst of frustration.  It sounds like David just could not get God's attention and an answer from God.  Much like David, we may not get the answers that we want but we most assuredly get the answers that we need.  Even if those answers do not come in the form of a booming voice from heaven, God can still answer as a whisper in the wind or a burning bush to give us the answers that we need. 

Prayer is about Acceptance

At the end of all of our efforts to give our prayers over to God, our work is not done.  We have to take action once we have an answer.  We have to accept God's answer.  Our acceptance comes by both our attitude and actions.

  • Attitude: How we respond to God's answer by our countenance and with our words
  • Actions: How we respond to God's answer with our works
For all that God provides us, how we respond to the answer that God provides us says a lot about our expectations of God and our relationship with God.

We just have to learn how to accept God's answers to us.

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