Thursday, March 31, 2011

Exposure via Events

Marie Antoinette: The Journey“If the people have no bread, let them eat cake.”- (Attributed to) Marie Antoinette

Despite the quote attributed to this famed aristocrat of royalty during the French Revolution, simply giving your guests something to chew on doesn't make your special event any more special than a meeting of the local rotary club or Toastmasters.  You need more than veggie trays, finger food and other treats to make your event stand from the norm.
Everybody Cooks Rice (Invitations to literacy)
Spice Things Up: Go exotic with dishes.  Partner with Indian, Brazilian and Jamaican caterers for spicy dishes or sample trays.  This may appeal to broaden your appeal to other cultures and ethnic groups.  Spicy dishes such as curry or jerk chicken with some rice can carry enough kick to have your audience raving about the meal and the event for days to come.

Kodak Sport Disposible Camera, 27 Exposure, Waterproof up to 50 feetAdd Some Red Carpet:   People feel like stars when you treat them like stars.  Include a VIP element to your events.  The thrill of the paparazzi snapping photos along the red carpet, even if they are Kodak disposables or HTC camera phones, can cause a stir among attendees and passersby.

Social Location Marketing: Outshining Your Competitors on Foursquare, Gowalla, Yelp & Other Location Sharing Sites (Que Biz-Tech)Share before You Get There: Use social media to share with others about the event.  Facebook, Twitter and other sites provide great platforms for sharing about upcoming events.  Foursquare and Loopt allow you to "check in" at the location when you arrive and alert others that you are at the place to be.  Make your events the type of experience that people tweet about throughout the event and afterwards. Be sure to include a Like This button or Share button on your event website or registration page.

Make your events newsworthy.  If your event draws press and publicity, then consider it a plus.  If you get a pre-event interview on TV or on a weekend radio show, that's an added bonus. See what type of exposure you get from your efforts.
Free Publicity 101: How to Write Press Releases and Get Your Story in the Media 101 Ways to Get Great PublicityThe Savvy Author's Guide to Book PublicityPublicity & Media Relations Checklists101 Sizzling Hot Ways to Get Publicity 

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