Friday, August 6, 2010

Statement of Faith

A statement of faith is defined as: "a statement of faith is a statement of the core beliefs of a religious group." I believe that all faith-based entities should have statement of faith. This would include any church, faith-based organization such as a parachurch, mission or shelter open in the name of Jesus, and most pastoral multimedia ministries such as radio programs, TV shows, and Internet program such as Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul or Through the Bible with J. Vernon McGee. These all should have a statement of faith that shares what they believe with the general public. Even a Christian in business, whether a consultant or inventor, should also consider developing a statement of faith.

If it is a core belief, then it most relate to who you are and what you do as an organization. Believers are to be doers. We share our statement of faith so that donors know that we are guardians of the gospel. We share it with the public so that those who seek and search might find us among the faithful few who uphold God's truth in a world where doctrine is diminishing and faith is fading.

We make the statement of our faith and we are to stand on our statement of faith.

Life Path Ministries & Services has a statement of faith that reads as noted below:

Statement of Faith:

We believe that the Word of God is the infallible and absolute truth provided by the true and living God through men divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit to mankind for living fruitful lives on earth with heaven as its goal for each man, woman and child. We believe that Jesus Christ is the manifestation of God’s Word through whom God offers salvation by both grace and mercy for those whom He calls to repentance.

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