Friday, February 18, 2011

E is for Eloquent

Entrepreneurs have the gift of gab mixed with a little charisma.  If an entrepreneur expects to succeed, then speaking and speaking about the business are at the top of the success strategy list somewhere.

No, the entrepreneur doesn't have to be able to deliver an address like Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King.  The entrepreneur needs to find his or her voice, though.  That's the proverbial "calling card" for many in their industry or field.  They are known for what they talk about. 

If you are versed in it, you most probably have a vested interest in it.  Share your insights and interest with others.  Are you launching something new? Or, did you just start a new partnership with a local agency or corporation? Speak up and speak out about it.  Let other know.  Make an impression on others with your wealth of well-placed words.

Go to Toastmasters or take a speech communications class at a local community college or the Learning Annex.  If you are a writer or poet, even a songwriter, do something at a local open mic night.  You just might surprise yourself once you get up and get in front of people.  Who knows? Your next big client may come out of that commencement speech that you provide to the 2011 class of graduating sixth graders.  You never really know.

Engraved in Ebony
A.G. Gaston
"Find a need and fill it."- A.G. Gaston

Insurance. Funeral homes. Construction.  A.G. Gaston was one of the most successful businessmen in Alabama.  His humble beginnings in a rural log cabin didn't hinder him from amassing a fortune from his dedication to sound business and financial practices.

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