Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Seen Just like the Savior

"As he isso are we in this world." 1 John 4: 17

Evangelism Tip Sheets

We cannot expect others to seek Jesus as their Savior if they cannot see Jesus in us as the saved.

Let that one sink in just for a moment.

Saved folks (Christians) are to be regarded as the work of salvation's masterpieces.  Yet, we are quick to share that we are a work in progress and how God's not finished with us yet.  However, we do bear the name of Christ and proclaim His name because of the work that He has already done for us all on the cross.

The world sees that.  They cannot see Jesus since He has ascended into heavenly places, taking His seat of power at the right of God the Father.  However, they can see us.

Yes, brothers and sisters, we are on display.  God has us in plain view of every Dick and Jane in the cosmos.  Truthfully, all of the talk about Christians being hypocrites is truthful if we believe that Christians actually believe that they can be sinless.  We are not called to be Christ; we are called to become more Christ-like in our daily walk.

Somebody's watching us.

God is watching us.

Other Christians are watching us.

The world is watching us.


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